Israel vs Palestine

18 05 2016



On May 14, 1948, what had been known as “Palestine” became the nation of Israel. But where did Palestine come from? The Romans banned Jews from Israel and renamed Israel “Palestina,” based on the ancient enemies of the Jews, the Philistines, in order to make the world and the Jews forget that they had an inheritance in that land. But God would not forget. He brought them back. So too, the enemy uses the same strategy, “The Palestina strategy,” to make you forget God’s call, inheritance and promises on your life. To make you disbelieve God’s power to make you victorious, joyous, Messiah-like. The enemy wants you to live a substitute, second rate, messed up life. He wants circumstances and events in your life to make you forget God’s promises. “The Palestine Strategy.” The world may not believe, you may not believe, but God does not forget His promises, calling an inheritance for you. So rise up! Remember His promise and how great His calling is. Believe it, for God has called you as an heir to the Promised Land and everything other than that, is only Palestine.



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