No Condemnation

30 03 2015



There is NO condemnation for those who are in Jesus. So,

are you feeling condemned today? If you are, there are two

reasons why.

1) You are not in Jesus. You have not accepted Him as your

personal Lord and Savior.

2) The enemy is condemning you for what you did in the

past. If you have confessed that to the Lord, don’t accept

that. Tell the devil that it was forgiven.

Now God will convict you of things you need to change, but

He never condemns.

Now I want to go back to number one. This is Easter week.

We think more on what Jesus did for us at this time. I would

be neglecting my duty if I did not offer you to come to Jesus



If you were the only one on earth, He would still have died

and rose again for you. He loves you that much. Will you

come to Him today?



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